Every day, thousands of pounds of crack cocaine are consumed in
How can this be happening? Where does this huge amount of contraband come from and how does it get here?
The answer is obvious, greed.
The cocaine industry is highly organised and gross annual sales would make the sheiks of the oil emirates envious. The dollar amounts involved are staggering and with so much cash at their disposal, the drug barons can buy customs officials, police officers, judges and politicians. And have no doubt, they do. How else could such vast shipments of drugs enter the country and be distributed throughout each and every city and town? Certainly, we read in the papers of some huge drug bust every now and then, but the largest of these busts amounts to a five or ten minute supply at the current rate of consumption. The fact is that the drug barons usually are responsible for the tips that lead to these busts. What better way to eliminate a relatively new and poorly organised competitor before he gets too strong?
What can be done? Absolutely nothing can be done, unless you and I get angry enough to demand a full scale attack against the parasites that profit from the drug industry.
To defeat this evil which has pervaded our society, the government has to get serious about the problem. It does no good whatsoever to harass and make criminals out of the victims of these parasites. Addicts are not by definition, criminals, they are victims of crime.
These are my suggestions:
- Decriminalise the addict.
- Decriminalise Marihuana.
- Provide far more front line care for addicts in the form of detox centres and rehab centres.
- Arrest every street dealer and hold him for trial, without bail.
- Once convicted impose maximum sentences of incarceration without exception.
- Train hundreds of undercover narcotics officers to work at every point of entry where drugs can reach our country.
- Use computers to analyse the outcome of every major drug charge.
- Use computers to analyse the arrest and conviction records achieved by drug enforcement officers.
- Closely monitor the activities of every convicted drug dealer who has served his time and been released.
- Create new sentencing guidelines which require judges to hand down extremely long sentences for repeat drug dealing offenders.
- Automatically revoke the citizenship or landed immigrant status and deport every convicted drug dealer who was not born in this country.
What will this accomplish?
1. Decriminalising addicts will take the emphasis off of the victim and place it where it should be, on the dealer.
2. This will free up resources in the enforcement of our drug laws towards the real problems of crack, cocaine and heroine.
3. Providing more detox centres and rehab centres will reclaim some of the lost souls who can rejoin society. This will result in reducing the market for the drugs as well as return lost production in the economy.
4. Jailing street dealers will hamper the drug barons’ distribution network and slow down the spread of the drugs.
5. Heavy sentencing will keep the distribution network in disarray and result in making it more difficult to recruit replacement dealers.
6. There is no way for the quantities of drugs that are currently entering the country to arrive undetected. There has to be serious corruption within the customs department. When this is uncovered, the busts will not be measured in pounds or kilos, but in container loads. The removal of corrupt officials will seriously hamper the importation of narcotics and stiff penalties will make others reconsider their role in the problem.
7. Properly analysed, these court records should provide hints that will lead to the removal of corrupt court officials.
8. Properly analysed, these conviction records should provide hints that will lead to the removal of corrupt officers.
9. Almost every drug dealer who is convicted returns immediately to dealing as soon as he is released. This includes being released on bail as well as on parole. If he is monitored, he can be removed from society for a longer period of time when he is caught a second time.
10. A repeat offender is a parasite who is dedicated to the destruction of human spirit. He must be removed indefinitely if we hope to turn this plague away.
11. Most of the people who are selling this poison to our children arrived in
If enough people agree with these ideas, I will be happy to run a petition to pressure all levels of government to get started immediately. Let me know what you think and tell your friends about this.
That's silly. We're already training tons of DEA agents and posting them everywhere, but they are corruptible, they are not perfect, and they can't handle the influx. We are trying to jail the street dealers, the problem is you can't arrest someone without evidence.
Decriminalize everything and regulate it like alcohol. Prices will drop ridiculously, completely eliminating the profitability of the illegal drug trade. This will also eliminate much of the violence and corruption that the illegal drug trade generates. This WILL NOT make drugs any more available than they already are. That would be impossible.
Most street dealers are kids themselves, who are misguided into buying into a thug culture with no visible alternative. They're just trying to make money the only way they know how, or to fund their own habits. The really big, big dealers are the ones that are truly morally corrupt. Indiscriminately arresting all drug dealers will send a lot of not too terrible people to prison.
You miss the point. Sure street dealers are just trying to make a buck, but they are killing people to do it. By your logic, the punk that goes into a convenience store and shoots the owner to get the cash from the till is just trying to make a buck and shouldn't be punished.
IT'S THE SAME THING. These dealers are KILLING PEOPLE. Just because the death is slower than shooting someone for money doesn't make it any better.
Anyone who thinks seriously about the drug situation has to come to the conclusion that the politicians, judges and the police are if not directly involved in the supply, at least complacent to it. How could such vast quantities get into the country without political, judicial and police assistance? We’re talking thousands of container loads annually!
I see two reasons why there is so much corruption.
1. MONEY. There is such an immense amount of money involved here that the drug lords can afford to buy just about anyone they think can protect them. That means police who only go after the unconnected dealers and leave their bosses alone, thereby eliminating unwanted competition. That means judges who refuse to convict or provide light sentencing to connected traffickers. AND that means politicians who refuse to put any teeth in the legal system.
2. Even more sinister is ECONOMIC SLAVERY. Our socio-economic system is designed to force people at the bottom to work like slaves all their life to keep a meagre home for themselves and their families. They live in perpetual debt with the constant fear that everything they have can be confiscated at any time if they don’t tow the line. The men of power who benefit from this system of slavery direct the politicians to legislate in their favour; the judges to rule in their favour and the police to enforce in their favour. Drugs have become a tool that the fat cats appreciate because it is a means of silencing the people who refuse to accept the slavery. THEY DON’T WANT THE DRUGS TO STOP. To counter the few who do speak out, they have created the myth that these brave souls are PARANOID.
If paranoia means being appalled by the cynicism and corruption that permeates our society at all levels, then I AM PARANOID.
For those who don't know, Satan House is the street name for Seaton House, the most notorious shelter in Canada.
Mr Ronzig,
Same poster here...
I finished reading your blog just now and I looked through the green haired girls flickr photos.
You are no doubt an educated man, but you have been down and out for quite some time.
There are things which you are not aware of, and are better off not being aware of especially now that you are in a comfortable arrangement.
I am 25 now and was 23 when I entered the Downtown core immediately the youth and then subsequently the adult shelter system.
I have seen horrifying things in my journey in the cesspool of the hell that is Toronto.
As a child, while sometimes driving as far as north of downtown (Eglinton), I always got sinking feelings in my stomach as if something was terribly depressing and sad about the city, and now the extent of it.
As far as crack goes, while I was in the system, I always viewed middle class crackheads as deserving of their situation, because here they were squandering $20 on a "Twenty piece" (Hang around the shelters long enough and you get to learn the terms), and I was saving my PNA or Personal Needs Allowance so that I could supplement my diet with vegetarian food since the shelters, as you stated, force you to eat what they have.
There are the aggressive crackheads, and then you have the intellectual crackheads - people who you know shouldn't be doing this shit who are heading for disaster, like the guy Dan The Man who used to go to Gateway on Jarvis.
Anyways, I've gone ahead of myself philosophizing...
There are deep dark secrets...
Deep dark secrets...
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